Yesterday was a big day! When we arrived in Innovation Home in Otaniemi, the excitement was in the air. There were number of last minute fixes to seating, outfits, slides and so on. The typical last-minute hassles.

When the panelists and guests started arriving, it was time to let go and trust that everything will go well. And it did! Most of the 500 people signed up to the online event were able to log in. For those that had technical difficulties we are sorry, and hope that you’ll watch the event now. And even if you were there (I was) it is worth watching again!

Launching a book, which is not yet out of print is a deliberate move to start the discussion. And what a discussion starter it was:

  • Host: Alex Nieminen (N2) has a wonderful ability to create warm and friendly atmosphere. It also shows in the stream!
  • Keynote: Dr. Mikko Kosonen (Chairman of Board, Aalto University) has been our proof reader and sparring partner during the writing process. His keynote described the challenges that the Ecosystem Handbook responds to and positions the book as an essential tool for anyone working in ecosystems.
  • Panelists: Mika Sulin (Chairman of Board, Uros Live Arena), Tommi Uitto (President, Mobile Networks, Nokia), Tero Ojanperä (Chairman of Board,, Piia-Noora Kauppi (CEO, Finance Finland) and Taina Susiluoto (Director, EK) are all in the drivers’ seat in multiple ecosystems. They know what they are talking about! They are well-versed seasoned executives. The discussion was and is worth listening!
  • Authors: We the “team” shared some of our thoughts about the writing process and insights about the book. But above all, we wanted to thank all the people that influenced the content, read the manuscript during the writing process. While the content is more practical than academic, there are number of people that influenced the content. Professor Satu Teerikangas (University of Turku), Rauno Jokelainen (CTO, Uros), Dr. Eeva Ketola (Esperi Care) and many others provided input to the case studies and ensured us that we focused on the essential!
  • Audience: Due to the COVID-19 we had a handful of guests in the location. Thank you all for coming and making our day. The atmosphere was warm and it felt like we all shared the excitement and positive energy. And that is something that we will need during the coming months!
  • Partners: Like any expanding ecosystem we are thrilled to have wonderful partners. Innovation Home‘s founders Petra and Katja hosted us warmly. Nousussa took care of the streaming. Medanta provided the masks. Together they made the event!

Thank you all for being with yesterday! It means a lot that you joined us to celebrate the completion of a six-month sprint. Yet, this is just a beginning. Stay tuned for more – and order the book here if you have not done it yet!

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