The ART of Leading and
Creating IMPACT.

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For Who? The Ecosystem Handbook is written for start-uppers, SME or corporate leaders and public players in mind.  It is a hands-on guide and services portfolio for anyone working in ecosystems wanting to learn and develop their collaboration capabilities.

By Who? The authors have global experience in leading people, organizations and self – in the context of global organizations and ecosystems. The Handbook is  written to share best practices and our learnings of leading business and people, as well as managing self. It covers the essential elements of ecosystems, and helps avoid them becoming egosystems.

Front page kuvituskuva vasen


Lead and Create Impact

Future-proof organizations and ecosystems are built with passion and purpose

Very few organizations or people can make it alone in today’s rapidly changing world. Ecosystems are a powerful way to solve wicked problems, transform organizations and ensure sustainable growth.

The concepts and canvases introduced in the Ecosystem Handbook are designed to support different players navigate the ecosystem journey – both rationally and emotionally. Creating impact together is based on a well formulated purpose, aligned objectives setting and business understanding in ecosystem, organizational and individual levels. It is about accepting that the context changes and adapting to it.

To understand “the why , what and how” of ecosystems, please contact us. We are happy to help!


Hands-On Guide and Toolbox

The Ecosystem Handbook’s engaging insights and hands-on tools help understanding motivations of different players, defining rationally and emotionally engaging purpose and objectives to go with it – and leading with impact.

The Ecosystem Toolbox and its eight canvases support developing the capabilities to understand and lead organizations and people with different professional and cultural backgrounds. It provides new and practical tools useful to all ecosystem partners for solving grand challenges together.

The Ecosystem Handbook’s unique approach is about understanding  aligning the rational drivers of ecosystems – but above all, it is about empathy and caring organizational culture.


Toolbox for creating impact together

Our services range from increasing understanding by keynotes to training, consulting and research. They are designed to cover the entire ecosystem journey from purpose definition to aligned objectives setting and establishing ecosystem culture and ways of working – and managing and leading organizations and people along the way.


Short 15-30 mins presentations followed by discussion cover the key aspects of ecosystems and are a great way to tickle your team’s “curious brain”.


Ranging from 45 mins sessions focused on a specific topic to training programs covering the entire ecosystem journey. Delivered by us or with partners.


From ecosystem design to funding search and support along the journey our consulting services are tailored to your needs – big or small. Delivered by us or with partners.


Themed as “Organizing for impact in the era of ecosystems” our research focuses on value creation and ensures that we continuously evolve together with our partners.